Private Police

HP Initiation Page - Privacy Policy

HP takes your privacy seriously. Please feel free to review our Privacy Policy:

What we do with collected data
Please be informed that HP doesn't collect any information regarding clients (people who have filled out our registration form and receive online courses) payment data - including credit or debit card or any other payment method information.

Payment information is collected by the third parties that provides our society online card processing services, such as PayPal or

Data collected by HP from its students including name, email address, date and time of accessing courses and lessons, is used to identify them in order to allow them to join our classes.

Information we gather and collect about anonymous visitors of our sites is also used to provide them with content that may be of interest or relevant to their needs.

Sharing of information we collect
We do not share any of the information we collect about our visitors or clients with outside companies or people not employed at HP.

 Our commitment to data security
HP has taken several security measures in order to protect the information under its control. All personal information it collects is stored on computers owned by HP, offline, on a secured location, in order to ensure that no unauthorized individuals have access to it.

How to contact us

HP is committed to protecting your privacy. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact infopublishingmag(atgmail(dot)com