Wednesday, September 29, 2010



Since April 2008, for just under ten dollars U.S. monthly (twelve Canadian, ten euro, or six pounds sterling) subscribers have been receiving short-short stories by M. Dietz Stubbs in their email boxes. There is Premium and Plus services too . Most of these readers must like what they're getting, since the majority renew. Stories go out three times a month, and they are an unpredictable mix of literary fiction, romance, drama,  fairy tales, mysteries, and work that is hard to classify.

Thirty-six stories for ten dollars. That's about twenty-eight cents a story.

Subscription stories are between 200 and 2,500 words long (with rare exceptions). Most of the stories distributed so far have been between 500 and 1500 words. Diezt's ideal is to send a story that readers can enjoy in a minute or two.

The stories arrive as unformatted e-mail text, which makes it easy to read them on a variety of devices. Paying subscribers are allowed to forward stories to other readers (although distribution by those recipients is prohibited...unless they subscribe).